Cruise Vessel – S705


The new cruise vessel of the American Disney-Fleet is powered by environmentally friendly liquefied natural gas.


A total of around 100 fans were delivered, which were designed to be energy- and noise-optimized to meet the needs of the shipyard.


Almost half of this is intended for the LNG plants.Here we have fallen far short of the required gas tightness through design details and thus more than fulfilled these safety-related requirements.


This solution also ensures that future maintenance work can be carried out easily, safely and cost-effectively by the crew.


Every single fan is subjected to our extensive quality requirements during the manufacturing process.  

Key data

  • Quantity
    appr. 100 pc

  • Types
    Axial- and centrifugal fans

  • Special demands

    Energy- and noise-optimized

    LNG_fans (Gas tight and ex-proofed)

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